Simplify For Joy #10: Purpose

A Purpose And A Career Are Two Different Things

Marli's parents never tried to force regular family meetings on her. My Dad tried it more than once.

The way he conducted them gave me the impression that he just needed a platform on which to voice his complaints and delegate house chores. Needless to say, they failed miserably. None of us were even remotely engaged.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time and give him Tsh Oxenreider's Create A Family Purpose Statement to read. Drawing us all closer might have been so much easier then and crafting it into wall art would've been so much fun.

No Kids? No Problem!

I'm so sold on the whole idea of establishing a Purpose Statement to live by, that I'm not waiting to have kids to get started.

Neither should you.

Finding out what you're good at, what your core beliefs are, and how you want to live out your days, can make living purposefully a reality. Once you have your Personal Purpose Statement down pat, you'll have a great foundation for a Family Statement if you ever need it. 

If you need any help, try this online wizard.

*What’s This?

Every week through 2017, we'll attempt one of Erica Layne's 52 Obtainable Ways to Simplify Your Life. For more info, you can read our introductory post here.


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