Simplify for Joy #36: Home Made TV Dinners

Bulk Prep, Halve & Freeze

    Just this past weekend Franscois & I talked about the need for having frozen meals ready for those days when we just don't have the feels for cooking anything.

    We were starting on our first weekly menu-list-combo when he suggested that we choose certain recipes to bulk prep, halve and freeze.

    The more I think about it, the more solutions this tip seems to offer:

    1. It simplifies your cooking schedule. You can still serve meals prepared from scratch without actually having to make them on the spot each and every time.
    2. You control what goes into your TV Dinner, because you cook it yourself. No labels listing unnecessary sugar(s) and ingredients you can't even pronounce.
    3. You don't have to resort to fatty fast foods when you're tired/pressed for time.

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    Whatever you choose to do, you don't need to strive for perfection.

    Find your own happy medium.

    *What’s This?

    Every week through 2017, we'll attempt one of Erica Layne's 52 Obtainable Ways to Simplify Your Life. For more info, you can read our introductory post here.


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